[VoxSpace Life] Netflix Mania : Why Are People Binge-Watching Netflix?

Content Is King The US movie theatres saw the lowest attendance in 2017 in 23 years, which is a surprising […]

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[VoxSpace Life] Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, The Forgotten Nobel Laureate Of India

In the year 1983, an Indian American physicist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his study on “the physical processes important to the structure and evolution of stars” with William A. Fowler. This scientist was none other than Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar.

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[VoxSpace Life] Emergence Of Slam Poetry In India – The New Age Of Literature

Slam poetry, a new form of poetry where poets recite and perform actions to depict their poems in style. It is a competition where artists perform and are judged by the audience. It is not just about reciting a poem, it is about engaging the crowd

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[VoxSpace Tech] The Social Media Circus : How Our Data Stored By Social Media Is Highly Dangerous?

All social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram store our messages and posts. The problem emerges when it falls into the hands of hackers who can access and manipulate our account.

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[VoxSpace Tech] The New Space Race For Mars Colonisation

Landing on the moon was a huge step in our quest to explore Space and the universe. Next on the exploratory list is the red planet Mars. Many countries and organisations have already sent rovers to it. The next step is to send a man to Mars.

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