The Tale Of Kat And Dog – Is A Moving Tale About An Unlikely Friendship In Holland

It’s touching and hilarious at the same time, to watch this mini movie ‘The Tale of Kat And Dog, A Holland Cool’, owing to its simple narrative and a heartfelt ode to one of the oldest friendships of human history. That of a Human and a Dog. The story follows a New York-based journalist as she is about to leave Holland after staying there for a while and documenting it’s history. However, her journey back is interrupted by Dog, and they form a bond of great friendship over the course of 18 minutes of the feature. She ends up learning an incredible deal of what Holland is all about.

The features serves an equal deal to being an heart touching tale of friendship, and Holland culture propogation as well. It becomes therefore a great example of how solid story telling can really further a brands reputation as well. It’s a short film packed with laughter, adventure, life altering decisions and everything you’d want from a great story. These factors make ‘The Tale Of Kat And Dog’ a must watch for both story tellers, and more so creative marketing agencies.

Watch the whole feature here  :