Strange World Gives Rise To Stranger Rituals And Festivals
The world that we live in is certainly a strange one as there is so much diversity that it can stun any one of us. However, there are certain things that are celebrated across the world that is so unbelievable that you will probably have to take some time to believe that such festivals exist across the world. After you believe it, I am sure that you are going to want to run to these countries to experience the charisma of these festivals. These are some of the unique festivals that are celebrated across the world,
Monkey Buffet Festival
Yes, you did, in fact, read that correctly. There is a buffet that is laid for monkeys every year in Lopburi, Thailand. Owing to the traditions and history of the area, monkeys are believed to bring good fortune to the area along with contributing to the tourism of Thailand. Hence, on the 25th of November every year, the monkeys are fed at the Pra Prang Sam Yot Temple. 4000 kilograms of food and drinks are served to the monkeys every single year. Those are going to be some happy monkeys!
Baby Jumping Festival
This festival is celebrated in Spain and has been going on since 1620. It is celebrated during Corpus Christi, which is a Catholic festival. In this bizarre festival, men who are dressed in yellow and red to resemble the Devil, jump over babies who have been born in the last twelve months. These babies are made to lie on mattresses on the street while the ‘Devils’ are equipped with whips and castanets. Scary as it sounds, the festival has been going on for thousands of years.
International Highline Meeting Festival
This certainly is one of the most amazing festival that exists in Italy, or maybe the world, where people spend their time on tightropes that have been stretched across the Italian Alps in Monte Piana. These daredevil attendees are known as ‘slackers’ which is because of the rope that they balance on, that has a slack. The people casually spend their time suspended over hundreds of metres drinking, eating and enjoying music, just like one would at a normal festival.
Winter Scare Away Festival
Mohács, a town in Southern Hungary, has a great way of dealing with the winter season. They celebrate a six-day festival towards the end of February with the main purpose of scaring away the winter season. Men dress up in scary costumes that include big woolly cloaks and wooden masks with the sole purpose of being so scary that the winter season leaves their town alone.
Kirpinar Oil Wrestling Tournament
This festival that exists in Turkey is nothing like what the fans of Magic Mike are expecting. The dates for this three-day festival, which has been taking place for 650 years, are announced during the middle of April. The festival mostly takes place in the month of July where strong men covered in oil wrestle with each other. Along with that, there is a lot of dancing, food and belly dancing to serve as a break from the wrestling.