Sarah’s Scribbles – A WebComic Series Making Mundane Lives Seem So Much Cooler..!

If you are an explorer on facebook, ie, not sticking to the routine pages, but going beyond in search of quirky content, then there is a very good chance that you’ve seen Sarah’s Scribbles. You will find a little girl, Sarah, dealing with everyday situations, in her own sweet quirky ways. In turn reflecting on our life, and practically making them witty and joyous. The brains behind these wonderful series of WebComics, that has a Facebook following of more than 1 Million, is Sarah Anderson. She managed to do many only dream of. She struck a chord with everyone out there, through a character Sarah, who between her shenanigans and quirky comebacks, is everyone of us, making us smile in recognition.

The witty thoughts are framed in minimalist no frill framework, making the webcomics absolutely shareable over the social platforms. Thus, the ever viral webcomics Sarah’s Scribbles, has ushered a new change in idea presentation, and paved the way for budding cartoonists to ascend their work to the social network.

Talking to ThingsinSquare, Sarah Anderson of Sarah’s Scribbles, talked about her journey in realizing  a character so true to life,

“I started it ( Sarah’s Scribbles ) in my sophomore year of college. I had been drawing comics for years, but one day I got bored at work and made a few comics with MS paint and posted them to Tumblr.

The first few comics I posted, terribly drawn as they were, actually got a small amount of attention. After I posted 3 or 4 I intuitively knew it was something I could be good at if I gave it a shot, so I pushed myself to continue.

There were a couple things. Posting regularly and on a schedule helped, but when larger blogs like Tastefully Offensive took notice and started re-blogging my work I slowly started gaining a following. There was also one comic, “Waking Up,” that was my first truly “viral” post and it was sort of where I got my footing”.


For those who haven’t realised the genius here, here are some selected samples from Sarah’s Scribbles Page :

A. Waking Up :



B. Time Of Month :



C. Peek Around :



D. Thrash Food :



E. In Public :



F. Monologue :



G. Messing Up : 



H. Shaven And Do : 



I. Shopping :



J. BrainWorms : 



Follow : Sarah’s Scribbles On Facebook, Twitter ,  Instagram and Tumblr For More Exciting Stuff..!!